The TSSV42 is a powerful eyepiece for the observation with telescopes and for the photography with SLR and mirrorless system cameras
♦ Focal length 42 mm ♦ Apparent field of view 60° ♦ 2″ barrel size with filter thread for 2″ filters ♦ The rubber eyecup can be removed, then an M57x0.75 filter thread for camera adaptions is at your disposal ♦ Adapters to T2, M52, ... are optionally available ♦ The TSSV42 provides a better illumination than normal eyepieces with eyepiece projection ♦ The distance of camera to eyepiece is adjustable
TS 42 mm Superview 2″ Eyepiece for Observation and Photography
We have been searching a long time for eyepieces with long focal length for photography with digital cameras. With our Superview eyepiece series we offer eyepieces very suitable for photography which have a long focal length and are also very well suited for observation. Thanks to blackened lens edges and high-quality multi-coating, reflexes are reliably prevented and the contrast of the image is very high.
The TS Superview eyepieces as photo eyepieces:
You can screw the rubber eyecup off, thus getting a large M57x0.75 thread (male) for photographic adaptions. With suitable dapters, you can attach SLR and system cameras. The adaption can be made via the bayonet mount or, with cameras without exchansable lenses, via the filter thread of the lens. However, the TS Superview eyepieces offer significant advantages: ♦ The camera is threaded to the eyepiece, not just clamped, thus optimal seating and perfect centering are ensured. ♦ You can place the camera very close to the eyepiece, so you gain crucial image field, the vignetting at the edge disappears. ♦ The distance camera/eyepiece is adjustable, you can move the sleeve back and forth, thus altering the effective focal length and the image size with it.
Adapters for camera connection:
♦ With the adapter TSM57-T2, you equip the 2″ Superview eyepiece with a T2 thread. You can connect DSLR cameras via T2-rings. Digital cameras can be connected via the Hyperion intermediate adapters, too. ♦ With the adapter TSM57-M52, you equip the 2″ Superview eyepiece with an M52x0.75 filter thread. You can get transition adapters from this thread to all popular filter threads, too.
Focal length :
42 mm
Apparent field of view :
Barrel size at telescope side :
2″ barrel with M48x0.75 filter thread
Coating :
Fully multi-coated
Lens edges :
Optical design :
5-element design (2 groups)
Connection thread at camera side :
M57x0.75 male thread
Typ okuláru:
Ohnisková vzdálenost:
Upínací průměr okuláru:
Druh okuláru:
Zorné pole:
Počet optických součástí / jednotlivých čoček:
Parametry dalekohledu s tímto okulárem
Světelnost je definován jako poměr průměru objektivu k ohniskové vzdálenosti dalekohledu. Světelnost se obvykle se označuje jako zlomek 1/K nebo f/K. Dalekohledy s světelnosti f/4 až f/6 jsou obvykle pojmenovány jako "vysokosvětelné". Tyto dalekohledy jsou určeny jak pro vizuální pozorování, tak pro astronomické fotografie. Dalekohledy, jejichž světelnost je v mezich f/6 až F/15, jsou vhodnější pro pozorování než pro fotografování. S těmito dalekohledy je obvykle jednodušší získat Velké zvětšení.
Poradíme vám s výběrem vhodného okuláru pro váš dalekohled:
- telefonicky na čísle 737 995 070 (pouze Po-Pá 10 - 14 hodin )
- E-mailem